September Gründerstammtisch #96

01.09.2021 | 19:00 - 21:00 UHR

veranstaltet von StartupDorf – The Startup Hub Düsseldorf


StartupDorf e.V.
Rather Straße 25
40476 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 176 072 93
Fax: +49 (0) 211 176 072 94



It is time to Meetup again! On September 1st we get together for the next StartupDorf Gründerstammtisch #96.

Important note: This might be an online version (zoom) of the Gründerstammtisch and might be held in German language.

The traditional startup people meetup for the digital economy in Düsseldorf. Session No. 96 will give us, besides great speakers of course, wonderful networking opportunities. Use the hashtag #startupdorf for everything related to #entrepreneurship #digital #startups #startuppeople #Düsseldorf – spread the word!

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Programm / Agenda / Speakers

coming soon / stay tuned / register with our newsletters

Speaker – Pitches – Networking


Are you ready for your 5-min Pitch?

Do you want to pitch your startup or project at the end of the meetup? Do you have a digital component? Please contact us and become a part of session 96! Check our website for more details or ping Hanns via Linkedin:


Our sponsors/Unsere Sponsoren:

Der 96. Gründerstammtisch wird unterstützt von: (2021 SPONSORS)

Sie können sich vorstellen unsere Meetups und weiteren Veranstaltungen zu unterstützen? Dann würden wir uns freuen von Ihnen zu erfahren. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns über contact @

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