Seeting up a business in Düsseldorf – Information for fereign entrepreneurs

12.03.2024 - 12.03.2024 | 14:00 - 17:00 UHR

veranstaltet von Wirtschaftsförderung Düsselorf


City of Düsseldorf, Office of Economic Development
Monika Bosbach phone: +49 211 8995892,


Haus der Universität
Shadowplatz 14,
40212 Düsseldorf

Setting up a business in DüsseldorfInformation for foreign entrepreneurs

One in ten entrepreneurs in Germany is a foreign national. Increasing numbers of foreign residents are choosing top international locations such as Düsseldorf to set up their own companies and put their business ideas into practice.

The Office of Economic Development of the State Capital Düsseldorf is offering a seminar in English on setting up a new business aimed specifically at foreign entrepreneurs and small business owners. The seminar will provide a forum to discuss the many questions and challenges encountered by foreign entrepreneurs on their way to a successful new business.

We introduce the Startup City Düsseldorf with its multitude of networks, organisations and consulting programmes. We will focus on the legal aspects of setting up a business, focussing on the aspects particularly relevant to foreigners such as residence rights and work permits. Then we look at the subject of taxation. Finally, you will have the opportunity to ask any still outstanding questions.

Speakers: Office of Economic Development Düsseldorf; Jan Matthes, Lawyer; Daniel Schmaltz, Tax Advisor and CPA