JETRO Online Seminar: Business Opportunities with Japanese Enterprises – Featuring NTT Data

14.10.2021 - 14.10.2021 | 10:00 - 11:00 UHR

veranstaltet von JETRO Düsseldorf


JETRO Düsseldorf Petra Rehling Berliner Allee 10 40212 Düsseldorf


Online via Zoom

JETRO’s Invest Japan Business Support Center provides support to innovative foreign companies with the latest market information to help them in designing their Japan market entry strategy. We would like foreign companies to explore Japan as their investment destination and be catalyst in transforming the Japanese ecosystem for the better.

For our next online seminar, we will invite Mr. Ken Fujiwara from NTT Data. He will provide an insightful overview of the Digital Transformation in Japan and introduce the Open Innovation activities of NTT Data. His colleagues will join from the Q&A session to discuss further about each areas of focus.

As a special feature of this online seminar, the participating companies will get a chance to send their innovative ideas or proposals to NTT Data. You will get access to global clients of the company, world-class technologies under the NTT group, in-kind contribution from NTT Data when collaborating with them. Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your business!

Language: English
Registration (until 11.10.2021):
Fee: Free of charge

Areas of focus:
• DTC (Digital Twin Computing)
• Connected Car Data Analyses
• Cloud Computing
• 5G
• iQuattro* for manufacturers
• Tech for Heavy Industry & Construction
*iQuattro: NTT Data’s proprietary cross-companies Digital Transformation Platform